Week 1
What we do in this class:
For the next 6 weeks, you’ll get a module each week that will walk you through the entire Virtual Befriending system. And each week you’ll get an “Accountability Worksheet” that accompanies each module. Please take the time to fill out the worksheets, as I guarantee it will help you cement the information that you’re acquiring. It will also help to keep you motivated and will serve as a great reference when you need to employ the tactics in the future.
If at any time you need help during the course, please leave a comment in that particular thread. I strongly encourage as much interaction as possible as it will help both of us and others in the portal
You don’t have to be alone to feel lonely. Loneliness is the perception of being alone and isolated, and having a feeling of disconnectedness. You may know — or be — one of the 42.6 million older adults who experience this every day.
Thom McFadden
Acting Coach to the Stars