Stop Acting Your Age & start Living for Real.

Thom McFadden works from the premise that, every day, no matter what our age or current health status, we have a very clear choice: We can grow older or we can grow younger.Some people might not see aging as a choice — they see it as something they have no control over, just like the passage of time. You can decide if you want to spend your days feeling vital, energetic, and healthy, and joyfully use your body to exercise, travel, and play with your children (or grandchildren) — or if you want to be confined to a life of joint and back pain, limited mobility, and a lack of physical strength that keeps you sitting on a bench and watching others do the things you once did.

You already possess the power to determine your body’s true age. The choice is yours: Passively allow the aging process to take over, or actively counter the aging.Until very recently, medical researchers believed that many of the negative effects of aging were inevitable. As we grow old, conventional wisdom has told us our skin sags, our muscles waste away, we gain weight, and we eventually develop a chronic disease, such as heart disease or cancer, which will kill us. (Is it any wonder we are such a youth-obsessed culture?) But in the past few years, scientists have made tremendous discoveries that offer a different picture of what it looks like to get older.